In this video I discuss meth vs amphetamine, LSD’s connection to brain damage, and drug manufacturers/sellers receiving the death penalty, among other things.
- 00:21
- “There’s no evidence that the DMT myths are actually ‘myths.'”
- 01:26
- “I’d like to know the difference between meth and speed.”
- 02:29
- “Is LSD capable of causing brain damage? I’m worried about it affecting my intelligence.”
- 03:18
- “If modafinil and armodafinil inhibit reuptake at the dopamine receptor, does that make them loose anti-psychotics?”
- 03:57
- “Anyone caught making PMMA/PMA should receive the death penalty by it’s administration.”
- 05:15
- “I’ve heard that DXM use with bupropion can be risky because they are both metabolized with the same metabolic enzyme. What is your opinion on this?”