Etizolam is a benzodiazepine-like drug that provides sedation, euphoria, and anxiety-reduction. It has been used medically in some regions for issues like anxiety, depression, insomnia, and panic disorder.
The substance is currently used by many people in non-medical settings, with etizolam being purchased online.
Most of the issues with the drug arise from excessive sedation, memory loss, and disinhibition. If a high strong+ dose is used or it is combined with other depressants, it could be very physically dangerous.
Etizolam = Etilaam; Depas; Etizest; Sedekopan; Pasaden
Light: 0.5 – 1 mg
Common: 1 – 2 mg
Strong: 2 – 4+ mg
Total: 5 – 8 hours
Onset: 00:20 – 01:00
Experience Reports
(2016) Etizolam/tizanidine overdose – Consciousness disturbance and myocardial toxicity: case report
(2015) Etizolam/pregabalin Fatal intoxication: 2 case reports
(2008) Case report: Etizolam and its major metabolites in two unnatural death cases.
(2005) Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of etizolam are influenced by polymorphic CYP2C19 activity.
(2002) Etizolam-induced superficial erythema annulare centrifugum.
(1991) Single and multiple dose pharmacokinetics of etizolam in healthy subjects.
(1990) Etizolam in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: a double-blind study versus placebo.
(1990) Etizolam versus placebo in the treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia: a double-blind study.
(1989) Etizolam in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder associated with depressive symptoms.
(1989) Etizolam in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: a controlled clinical trial.
Test Results