3-Fluorophenmetrazine (3-FPM)


3-Fluorophenmetrazine (3-FPM) is a substituted amphetamine that’s similar to phenmetrazine, a stimulant which was used for weight loss decades ago. 3-FPM has only been used since 2014.

It provides relatively moderate effects and is more of a productive stimulant than a recreational one. A limit on its positive effects has been noted, so the drug usually doesn’t provide notably better effects at strong+ doses.

Due to a lack of information about the substance, it’s hard to say how safe it is, especially with long-term use. Common doses don’t appear acutely dangerous for healthy people. No deaths have been reported.

3-Fluorophenmetrazine = 3-FPM; PAL-593; 2-(3-fluorophenyl)-3-methylmorpholine



Light: 10 – 25 mg

Common: 25 – 50 mg

Strong: 50 – 70 mg


Light: 10 – 20 mg

Common: 20 – 35

Strong: 35 – 50 mg



Total: 5 – 8 hours

Onset: 00:20 – 00:30


Total: 3 – 6 hours

Onset: ~5 minutes

Experience Reports


Test Results




(2016) Adverse events related to the new psychoactive substance 3-fluorophenmetrazine – results from the Swedish STRIDA project

(2016) 3-Fluorophenmetrazine, a fluorinated analogue of phenmetrazine: Studies on in vivo metabolism in rat and human, in vitro metabolism in human CYP isoenzymes and microbial biotransformation in Pseudomonas Putida and wastewater using GC and LC coupled to (HR)-MS techniques.

(2016) Test purchase, synthesis and characterization of 3-fluorophenmetrazine (3-FPM) and differentiation from its ortho- and para-substituted isomers

(2013) Phenylmorpholines and analogues thereof

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  • Kristina Woodruff

    I am a police detective and have worked my first overdose death with this drug. A 19 year old male college student that had a history of drug addictions. He journaled he would be really careful with this drug if he decided to try it. I’m not sure if this was his first useage but I know from his family he was an experienced addict with heroin. Cause of death toxic effects of 3-fluorophenmetrazine manner of death accident he had no other drugs in his system. I doubt his is the first death. This drug just isn’t currently on the drug screen panels for most places. I expect that to change soon.

    • marcvs ahl al-khatwa

      Can you tell us, please, where did this tragedy occur? I assume you’re a British or Us officer, but a little more specificity would be nice… One more thing: ” *Cause* of death *toxic* *effects* of 3-fluorophenmetrazine *manner* of death *accident*… ” What does that even mean, did he overdose, or did he die in a car crash while under influence? If you are truly a police officer and your intention is to help, you got to be more specific, till then, I call BS on this.

    • M O

      Too vague. And if this really was the cause of death, then why isn’t this in the literature? People make careers publishing this kind of stuff in scholarly journals, so where is it? I call BS…

      • Kristina Woodruff

        M O I’m not one of those scholarly writers so go ahead and call BS all you want. I looked the drug up off the package it was sent in, it was mailed from China to Texas. I then sent the chemical element symbols to the forensic lab plus what was left of the drug and with additional testing they were able to determine that was the drug that killed the young man. That drug was not common enough to be on the broad panel of drugs frequently tested. We had not originally sent the left over drug with the body but it was clear to the pathologist the death was an overdose.

        • M O

          Again, one would need to know: Dosage, pre-exisitng health conditions, rout of administration, as well as anything else found in his system. From your earlier post, this person does not seem to have been in very good shape to begin with. As you pointed out, the panel of drugs tested does not come close to capturing everything that is out there.

          Just because something is present in the system at the time of autopsy does not in any way show that this must have been the cause of death. 3-FPM is generally very well tolerated by most users even up to dosages exceeding 500 mg. The classic sympathomimetic drugs such as S-amphetamine are far more potent that 3-FPM, yet they are routinely prescribed to patients without incident.

        • Noneya

          ….I know people within law enforcement, this sounds highly descredible… You were the one who analyzed it, you were the one who ruled with the coroner? You were the detective to go through his history?

          How many departments do you work for??